Last Updated: 2 May 2022
This is a website sponsored by Colin Rice Exploration and Training (“the sponsor”), as well as contributor companies who pay a monthly fee in exchange for the publication of their content (“contributors”). The opinions voiced by our contributors on this website do not necessarily reflect the opinion of all of the contributors, or of the sponsor. Contributor content will fulfill a marketing aim, but will be focused on safety in the drilling industry.
The information on this website is for educational or informational purposes only. The information presented may be from context-specific experiences and is not a guarantee or promise of specific results. You should not rely on the experiences or results given on this website and should always consult with a professional before relying on information on this website. Only a professional can assess your specific situation and give advice accordingly.
The sponsor does not endorse the contributors, nor take any responsibility for any business or contractual relationship that may be entered into between you and the contributors.
If you would like to engage the services of any of our contributors, we highly recommend seeking out references and conducting due diligence on these companies. We also recommend that you and the relevant company enter into a contractual agreement prior to any work commencing. The sponsor will not be party to any contractual agreements made between our contributors and website visitors, and it takes no responsibility for the ensuing business dealings.
Questions and Contact Information
If you have any questions related to this disclosure, please contact us at: team@drillsafe.co.za.