The legal requirement to ensure that people are separated from certain components is mentioned in the Mine Health and Safety Act Regulations. Have a look at the interpretation of these requirements.
In previous legal articles I have explored a number of the provisions of the Mine Health and Safety Act that impact exploration drilling operations and in a recent article, I began to discuss Section 21 - the section that addresses the responsibilities of manufacturers and suppliers.
This article discusses the requirements for the regularity of inspections and /or examinations that must be done on lifting equipment and lifting tackle.
The Mine Health and Safety Act makes provision for the appointment of people to assist in carrying out the responsibilities of the employer to ensure health and safety. In this article, we discuss the legal implications and liability of the people in various employment roles.
Every major mining company has identified lifting operations as a fatal risk and so a very clear understanding of the legal requirements applicable to lifting operations is of critical importance. This article analyses the relevant legislation and considers whether our drill rigs meet the legal requirements.
A clear understanding of the Mine Health and Safety Act is essential for all members of the exploration drilling industry. This article will help you to understand the Act better, so that you can play your part in ensuring a safe workplace, as well as working within the legal boundaries.
A summary of the relevant legal requirements of wireline retrieval operations.